EnergyMeter3000 with CT, is a two-way measurement solution
three-phase for both phase and overall sensing of
electrical measurements.
They record consumption data and enable comprehensive and
detailed analisys, enabling the operator to:
- identify when and where consumption occurs;
- identify misbehavior and misuse;
- diagnose faults and abnormal consumption;
- evaluate the effects of energy-saving actions to be taken.
The delivery time is currently 2-4 weeks. PLEASE NOTE: Express delivery is only possible when products are available.
Micro processore da 32bit
Firmware Compatibile ArduinoAlimentazione 12-24 AC/DC
Analogico: 5 porte (0-10V)
Digitale: 2 porte isolate
Digitale: 2 porte isolate
2 Relay
1 interfaccia I2C
1 interfaccia Seriale TTL
2 interfaccia Rs485
1 interfaccia SPI
4 Trasformatori amperometrici
4 Trasformatori di tensione
Ethernet 1 porta